Monday, 21 November 2011

To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer and inner world, not as they appear to an animal obsessed with survival or to a human being obsessed with words and notions, but as they are apprehended, directly and unconditionally, by Mind at Large this is an experience of inestimable value to everyone and especially to the intellectual.
Aldous Huxley
The Doors of Perception (1954)

Magdelena Abakanowicz

Louise Bourgeois


I am interested in using the metaphor of the city as a cell or the city as the human body, made up of vital organs, the heart, arteries, veins that keep the blood flow and keep it alive. I like to make connections how out of control things can get living in a city, in terms of over population, traffic jams, crowds, pollution, environmental issues, waste in the same way a cancer cell gets out of control and multiplies. I am concerned with the impact we are making on the environment and want to investigate this through my art practice and using various processes and materials such as these cell images, the human figure, taking inspiration from artists such as Wangechi Mutu and Ben Perry. I am also interested in using found and waste materials.

Friday Pop up Session

These are some photographs that John Webster had taken of me with my work during a presentation I gave on the Friday Pop up Exhibition session.The Friday sessions are about getting us as students and artists to consider what context to show our work within, considering various factors that may influence this choice. The 3images I have displayed on easels above are the footprints and marks made on white pieces of paper that I layed down at various locations in the LSAD building, considering health and safety measures. This idea came about on the day as I considered the marks we make on a daily basis in the city of Liverpool, and through the consideration of maps and map making.